Monday, August 11, 2008

As you go, I can never not follow.

It's been a fairly busy little while this week, at least by my standards. I am what is commonly known as a deadbeat. You could also call me a wastrel, an ne'er-do-well, a slacker (I don't like this one, because Hollywood has managed to romanticize it), and an unshaven, jobless tool. These are titles that haven't been hurled at me, but I accept them now in the event that they one day are, not unlike a toothless man waking up each morning and slurring "tym tah goh, yoo toofless bahtard!"

So, understand that when I say my week was busy, it was certainly not by conventional standards. I only worked one day the whole week. It was a day for which I earned approximately $275 for eight hours of work. A handsome wage for a handsome man, they (me) told me!

I also attended two separate east bay (pig latin for beast) events, both of which were highly enjoyable but taxed my emotions in a immeasurable grab-bag of ways. I ran an impressive gauntlet of feelings this week, from happiness and optimism to sadness and heartache, with the ever popular tinglings of lust, which at points ranged from casual and harmless to uncomfortable intensity.

I wrote this a few minutes ago. I have more on my mind, but slumber beckons. I'll continue these thoughts tomorrow.

disembodied franchise voices
spill cups en masse
streaming down the floor
and puddling up in front of a
movie screen
down by the waterfront
a popup moon with tassels and lace
where some were but others shall not be
lions leap from branches hanging
towards a child pinned under an an errant log
on his way home one sunday evening
through a forest patched with cloth

1 comment:

Carla Zilbersmith said...

Went to the poetry blog as well - particularly loved the love sonnet. Keep on writing!!! as for this entry I have a feeling I might know to whom you are referring and it must be challenging indeed. we have all been there - often repeatedly and I'm coming to think of it as an essential part of life. Rumi talks about letting the longing be the thing - there may be something to that though it hurts the stomach vegan or no.

Your latest blog comment moved me deeply and I want you to know I'm enriched by your friendship.